Dr Luong Viet Quoc

An expert in the robotics industry in the US, Dr Luong Viet Quoc, CEO of Real Time Robotics Inc, is the first investor to get a license to set up a drone manufacturing factory in HCMC

He started R&D in building drones as early as 2014 under the name of Golden Bridge Inc. In just 3 years his team quickly mastered the know-hows and technologies to design airframes, fabricate carbon fiber, develop avionics, write control algorithms, and develop data analytic softwares.

Early 2017, he successfully developed RAGAS, the world’s first Real-time Air Ground Awareness System for law enforcement agencies. This RAGAS was a great opportunity for us to officially get out of stealth mode and became one of the leading drone manufacturers for law enforcement, public safety, and industrial inspections. To better reflect our mission of providing real-time drone solutions, Real-time Robotics Inc. was established in May 2017.

News : 

  1. https://tuoitre.vn/luong-viet-quoc-va-8-hoc-bong-dao-tao-tien-si-tai-my-43534.htm
  2. https://cafebiz.vn/nha-san-xuat-drone-dau-tien-tai-viet-nam-cau-be-ngheo-tung-nhat-rac-ben-kenh-nhieu-loc-chi-hoc-trung-cap-vi-truot-dai-hoc-gianh-hoc-bong-di-my-va-tro-thanh-tien-si-20190417172242663.chn
  3. https://vietnambiz.vn/ceo-real-time-robotics-inc-tu-cau-be-nhat-rac-toi-cha-de-drone-viet-46125.htm

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